
Gurbani Kirtan Learning Manual

A project of Nad Music Institute
Nad logo for web opaque color rgb.jpg Nad Music JDveoWoyZcpDcqNPBXc
Mukilteo, Washington, US
$3,110pledged of $52,000 goal
$3,110goal: $52,000
Yes tax deductible
Ongoingannual goal

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What is the problem? 

Gurbani Kirtan is an inseparable part of Sikhi and most of us would like to do the kirtan. For Sikhs living outside India, we face problems such as non-availability of standard curriculum if a teacher is available, non-availability of a good teacher, subject matter expert feedback on the learning progress, authentic theory backed with audio and video lessons.   

Why it is it important to solve the problem? 

Across North America and other western countries, Sikhs are a growing in numbers as a community and each Sikh parent wants their kids to be connected to Sikh Values and Gurbani Kirtan. However, either due to their busy schedule, no background in doing Kirtan, or unavailability of good Gurbani Kirtan teacher parents do not take any action. Therefore, it is especially important to address this problem today so that the immediate and future generations can reap benefits. 

What is the solution? 

We at Nad Music Institute (NMI) are undertaking this project wherein NMI team will create a Kirtan learning manual for beginners (Grade 1-5) with professionally researched text supported by audio and video lessons.  

Through this project, NMI team aims to create a Gurbani Kirtan Learning manual. The primary purpose of this manual will be to serve as a resource kit for Khalsa School teachers to have a structured Gurbani Kirtan curriculum. This can also be used as a self-service tool for individual learners to learn Gurbani Kirtan at their own pace. 

How will the solutions build? 

The solution will be built by a strong team of Gurbani Kirtan experts at NMI in consultation with existing Gurbani Kirtan teachers across North America. The project will have five phases. Each phase will have skill-based curriculum. For example, the first phase will focus on Grade-1 curriculum for beginners.

The outcome will be five grades of Kirtan curriculum to be used in Khalsa School Kirtan classes. Each grade will cover basics of Indian classical music, Gurbani Kirtan, and include week by week lesson plans and homework assignments. 

In addition to building the curriculum, NMI team will provide training and support to Khalsa Schools to implement the curriculum.

What is the plan to implement the curriculum, if you can successfully raise the funds? Where the project will be implemented and when? 

We will begin with institutes and Gurdwaras who will be directly involved in building the curriculum. Eventually it has the potential to be implemented in all Sikh institutes and Gurdwaras across the world who are engaged in teaching Kirtan to the kids. The grade-1 curriculum will be ready for implementation by January 2024.

What will the first phase include?

For the first phase, our plan includes the following: 

1.     24 Weekly lesson plans which will include basics of Kirtan, Rag and Taal

2.     Each lesson plan will include well researched theory, video and audio lesson

3.     Simple Rag based melodies of Guru Granth Sahib Sabads 

4.     Easy to follow Kirtan lessons for beginners including homework assignments

How much does this project cost? 

The budget for the first phase is estimated at $52,000 (estimated date of completion Dec’2023). Of this, we're aiming to raise $40,000 through DVN.

Below is the break-up of the estimated budget: 

  • Staff research and planning: $9,600
  • 24 weeks of theory lessons: $5760
  • 24 weeks of video/audio lessons: $11,570
  • Studio recording & editing: $8,000
  • Website hosting & testing: $4,800
  • Marketing: $4800
  • Misc (travel, meetings): $8,000

What is curriculum building methodology? 

Methodology: The curriculum will be created and reviewed by the team of world class Gurbani Kirtan experts such as Ustad Surjeet Singh, Prof. Harbhajan Singh, Hardeep Kaur and Dr. Manjit Singh. The team will invite inputs from Gurbani Kirtan experts who are involved in teaching Kirtan to the kids across North America.

The team will research existing material, develop draft lesson plans, review lesson plans with experts, create audio/video lessons, upload all material on the online learning platform, test run and make it available worldwide.

How can you help? 

Your support is paramount to bring this Gurbani Kirtan Manual to life. You can support by donating your dasvandh; time/skills or money. You can volunteer to create graphics, videos, proof reading, website designing, project management or support us financially by donating on DVN platform. 

  • 06/11/2024

    Course Material Uploading on Online Platform

    Waheguru ji ka Khalsa,
    Waheguru ji ki Fateh.

    We would like to provide an update on current status of Gurbani Kirtan Manual project. The editing of all video recordings has been completed. Currently we are uploading all the material on Online Course Platform. This will be followed by testing of the complete course. We are targeting a release date in the end of August.

    During the test phase, we are looking for volunteers who can test the course Beta version and help us in making improvements before it is made public. Please let us know if you are interested in testing by sending an email at [email protected].

    We highly appreciate your continuous support and encouragement. Please donate generously to support this project.

    Warm Regards,
    Nad Music Team

  • 03/26/2024

    Video Recordings in Editing Phase

    Waheguru ji ka Khalsa,
    Waheguru ji ki Fateh.

    The video recordings made in 2023 are currently under editing. We are also testing new platforms to integrate the course work with video recordings and text. After finishing the videos editing, the videos will be uploaded with relevant text to the course platform. The expected release date is still targeted as end of June 2024.

    We highly appreciate your continuous support and encouragement. Please donate generously to support this project.

    Warm Regards,
    Nad Music Team

  • 12/29/2023

    Studio Recordings Completed

    Waheguru ji ka Khalsa,

    Waheguru ji ki Fateh.

    We have completed the video recordings for Grade-1 of Gurbani Kirtan Learning Manual. The recordings were professionally done in a studio at Mohali (Punjab). The next steps involve editing, reviewing, and finalizing the recordings. This project was planned to be completed by the end of 2023 but due to cross continent move of two main NMI members, this project has been delayed and the new completion date is set to June 2024.

    We highly appreciate your continuous support and encouragement. Please donate generously to support this project.

    Warm Regards,

    Nad Music Team

  • 09/28/2023

    Completed draft Video recordings

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa,

    Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

    We are glad to share that draft video recordings for Gurbani Kirtan Manual Project have been completed. Currently we are screening studios in India to make professional quality videos. The next steps include videos editing and uploading all content to online platform. The overall goal is to release the Gurbani Kirtan Manual by the end of 2023.

    We highly appreciate your continuous support and encouragement. Please donate generously to support this project.

    Warm Regards,

    Nad Music Team

    One of the studios in Chandigarh


  • 07/11/2023

    Draft Audio/Video Recordings

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa,

    Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

    We are pleased to share that draft audio/video recordings for Gurbani Kirtan Manual Project are underway. We are planning to finish the first draft of theory and audio/video recordings by the end of August. The next step will be making professional quality Audio/Video recordings in the studio. We will keep you posted as we move forward on this project. The overall goal is to release the manual by the end of 2023.

    Once again thank you for your conituous support and encourgement.


    Warm Regards,

    Nad Music Team

  • 04/12/2023

    Thank you for the support

    We would like to thank all our supporters and especially DVNetwork for their wonderful support in raising funds for this project. We have started working on the project and are on the path to deliver it to sangat by the end of this year.

Name Donation Date
A. F. $16.66 July 2024
A. H. $20.00 July 2024
G. Q. $20.00 July 2024
A. F. $16.66 June 2024
A. H. $20.00 June 2024
Anonymous $100.00 June 2024
G. Q. $20.00 June 2024
A. F. $16.66 May 2024
A. H. $20.00 May 2024
G. Q. $20.00 May 2024
A. F. $25.00 April 2024
A. H. $20.00 April 2024
G. Q. $20.00 April 2024
A. H. $20.00 March 2024
A. F. $25.00 March 2024
G. Q. $20.00 March 2024
A. F. $25.00 February 2024
A. H. $20.00 February 2024
G. Q. $20.00 February 2024
A. H. $20.00 January 2024
A. F. $25.00 January 2024
G. Q. $20.00 January 2024
A. F. $25.00 December 2023
A. H. $20.00 December 2023
G. Q. $20.00 December 2023
A. F. $25.00 November 2023
Match Fund $150.00 November 2023
Anonymous $20.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Harshwinder IQgSfcCYYBMbN $400.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Karandeep EZqaEqARwgVfdNZkoOhiu $1,000.00 November 2023
Match Fund $50.00 November 2023
Anonymous $50.00 November 2023
G. Q. $20.00 November 2023
G. Q. $20.00 October 2023
G. Q. $20.00 September 2023
J. G. $10.00 August 2023
G. Q. $20.00 August 2023
G. Q. $20.00 July 2023
G. Q. $20.00 June 2023
G. Q. $20.00 May 2023
Gurbir DEJTXSCvfTiCAun $500.00 April 2023
G. Q. $20.00 April 2023
G. Q. $20.00 March 2023
Anonymous $100.00 March 2023
Anonymous $30.00 March 2023
G. Q. $20.00 February 2023
Anonymous $10.00 January 2023
M. D. $12.50 January 2023
Taranjeet Singh PdajdccsZORUoufQH $100.00 January 2023
M. S. $10.00 January 2023
M. D. $12.50 January 2023
G. Q. $20.00 January 2023
Sandeep spekKTDcHiIxBTuPcu $450.00 December 2022
Sukhbir eoPNsHFaMVEcgTrwp $50.00 December 2022
Administrator Dasvandh Network $500.00 December 2022
B. S. $9.80 December 2022
G. Q. $20.00 December 2022
Administrator Dasvandh Network $300.00 November 2022
Harninder endwiVsWlyotcd $50.00 November 2022
Kanwal JKgDKJSHcoOcVyhePQCsbijD $100.00 November 2022
Match Fund $250.00 November 2022
Jagwinder VhBhIdidFtmpWCEFdiDnSGj $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $250.00 November 2022
Damandeep aRWGxmsXwOcSAcEuKShjVNAO $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $250.00 November 2022
gurjit XFNKYteNF $500.00 November 2022
Anonymous $500.00 November 2022
Manjit Singh PGBnfDpgpsLhUkmFNq $100.00 November 2022
Navpreet ZNLInnrCrLUZrwy $100.00 November 2022
Match Fund $300.00 November 2022
Bikrampal TdKlSgkvWnQrl $300.00 November 2022
Match Fund $25.00 November 2022
Anonymous $25.00 November 2022
Match Fund $100.00 November 2022
surinder ufyhMoaTmWaaRNiOBc $100.00 November 2022
Match Fund $201.00 November 2022
G. V. $201.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Anonymous $1,000.00 November 2022
Gagan uRCNfhsIsjuKqIN $100.00 November 2022
Match Fund $100.00 November 2022
Jaspreet FWicHkepMsFXjbqNGjivvLcl $100.00 November 2022
Match Fund $10.00 November 2022
V. D. $10.00 November 2022
Match Fund $250.00 November 2022
Match Fund $100.00 November 2022
Amritveer Singh YIgDOeUEoDBRWqM $100.00 November 2022
DeepBella QSykmyUlFyWb $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
DeepBella QSykmyUlFyWb $400.00 November 2022
Gagandeep UEEYeZjEHqWfRPZeo $300.00 November 2022
Sikh Community jQkabxIwqwrB $250.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Jasdeep YMjUOgqxoQWUcN $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Harshwinder IQgSfcCYYBMbN $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $300.00 November 2022
J. H. $300.00 November 2022
Match Fund $50.00 November 2022
Swapandeep ZFVYuaTFht $50.00 November 2022
Match Fund $100.00 November 2022
Mohan dwpELnOyfWtnxPZx $100.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
M. J. $400.00 November 2022
H. S. $200.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Jagwinder EJlRwKKubkcQUuWKOgjAjw $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Baldev ycbiJKbYhT $400.00 November 2022
P. S. $400.00 November 2022
Ramindar AMgMuNadwMbO $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Rajbir cNhiwbugYeTdGaINBqOgU $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $100.00 November 2022
Tara mUpyBesKuCoEDG $100.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Amrik LXihsZJqAcetSUIJhlaD $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
T. N. $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $100.00 November 2022
JASKARAN QXbkKOfWdkbiuRnhows $100.00 November 2022
G. Q. $20.00 November 2022
Anonymous $50.00 November 2022
Match Fund $501.00 October 2022
Match Fund $550.00 October 2022
Administrator Dasvandh Network $550.00 October 2022
G. Q. $20.00 October 2022
Match Fund $151.00 October 2022
Amitpal mpLbmIYoLVffqtoHPFcjnF $151.00 October 2022
Match Fund $200.00 September 2022
Gagan jSUVPamroEZRHgXZdIWbaEKRE $200.00 September 2022
Match Fund $250.00 September 2022
Bhupinder LvLbOLAlcyOCFQHxJ $250.00 September 2022
Match Fund $5,000.00 September 2022
B. G. $5,000.00 September 2022
Match Fund $1,000.00 September 2022
Jasdeep YMjUOgqxoQWUcN $1,000.00 September 2022
Match Fund $51.00 September 2022
INDERJEET uefJMfVQIOGPuFtNJHCiRU $51.00 September 2022
Match Fund $100.00 September 2022
Match Fund $4,000.00 September 2022
Anonymous $4,000.00 September 2022
Anonymous $100.00 September 2022
Match Fund $100.00 September 2022
Anonymous $100.00 September 2022
Match Fund $100.00 September 2022
Ashvi odErklEkyDRufMG $100.00 September 2022
Match Fund $51.00 September 2022
Paramjit xgejgEikiugOaQrAl $51.00 September 2022
Match Fund $100.00 September 2022
Satbir FZlkTeVMoFi $100.00 September 2022
Match Fund $20.00 September 2022
Gagan qjCDoCjCnmrCXluYjOUSGA $20.00 September 2022
Match Fund $50.00 September 2022
Anonymous $50.00 September 2022
Match Fund $100.00 September 2022
Anonymous $100.00 September 2022
Match Fund $100.00 September 2022
Gurraj hWddCLFiffjY $100.00 September 2022
Match Fund $50.00 September 2022
Anonymous $50.00 September 2022
Match Fund $1,000.00 September 2022
Anonymous $1,000.00 September 2022
Match Fund $500.00 August 2022
Anonymous $500.00 August 2022
Match Fund $50.00 July 2022
Harpreet XobEgoVRKmVfUjlb $50.00 July 2022
Match Fund $10.00 June 2022
Anonymous $10.00 June 2022

No photos to display at this time. Please check again soon!