Sehaj Path - New App.png

Sehaj Path - New App

Sponsored by Khalis Foundation
Untitled design-2.jpg Prableen EYSOlSDjYJC
Sacramento, California, US
$12,517pledged of $25,000 goal
$12,517goal: $25,000
Yes tax deductible
0days to go

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Khalis Foundation – the makers of Sundar Gutka and SikhiToTheMax Desktop and Mobile, is excited to announce a new initiative – the Sehaj Path app. This feature will foster a sense of community and spiritual togetherness among Sikh families and friends. With a primary focus on Sehaj Path, the practice of gradually and collectively reciting the entire Guru Granth Sahib Ji, this app will bring people closer to Guru Sahib’s wisdom. This is a 2025 goal for our organization.


Why Sehaj Path app?


The Sikh Rehit Maryada by Akal Takht Sahib states that every Sikh should learn Gurmukhi to be able to read the Guru Granth Sahib, and that it is desirable that every Sikh should carry on a continuous reading of the Guru Granth and complete a full reading in one or two months or over a longer period. (Chapter 7, Sikh Rehit Maryada)


The Sehaj Path app will provide individuals, families, and friends to perform a Sehaj Path intuitively, and allow access to meanings so that the users can easily understand Gurbani.

  • 07/06/2024

    Update - Together We Journey On

    Dear Sangat,

    With deep gratitude, we extend our heartfelt appreciation for your steadfast support in our journey with the Sehaj Path App fundraising campaign. Your contributions have been instrumental in laying a strong foundation. We humbly request your continued support as we press forward toward our shared goal as there are more funds to raise. 

    The Sehaj Path App, offers a gateway for individuals or family/friends to immerse themselves in the timeless wisdom of Guru Ji in a really easy way. Together, let's ensure that the transformative teachings of Guru Granth Sahib reach every corner of the world. Let's build a future where spirituality transcends borders and unites humanity in shared understanding.

    Please continue to spread the word and share our vision with others. Together, we can make a lasting impact and bring the blessings of Gurbani to every doorstep.

    Thank you for standing with us on this meaningful journey.

    Warm regards,

    Khalis Foundation

  • 04/04/2024

    Update - Keep Supporting

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Sangat Ji,

    We are immensely grateful for your unwavering support thus far in our Sehaj Path App fundraising campaign. Your generosity has laid a strong foundation, but there's still ground to cover. We urge you to continue standing with us in this endeavor, as every contribution, no matter the size, propels us closer to our destination.

    The Sehaj Path App isn't just a project; it's a beacon of spiritual connectivity. It's a gateway for individuals to immerse themselves in the divine wisdom of Guru Ji, fostering profound transformations within. Imagine the impact of Gurbani resonating through the fingertips of millions, guiding souls towards enlightenment and inner peace.

    Your continued support is pivotal in materializing this vision. Let's unite in our efforts to ensure that no one is deprived of the opportunity to experience the profound teachings of Guru Granth Sahib. Together, let's pave the way for a world where spirituality knows no boundaries.

    Spread the word, share the vision, and let's journey together towards our shared goal. Thank you for being a pillar of strength in our mission to bring the gift of Gurbani to every doorstep.

    Warm regards,

    Khalis Foundation

  • 01/02/2024


    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Sangat Ji,


    We hope this message finds you well and you are in good spirits to start of the new year. We are writing to provide you with an important update on our Sehaj Path App fundraising campaign.

    As of now, we have raised a total of $12,475, and while this is a great start, we still have a way to go to reach our goal of $25,000. We deeply appreciate your support so far, and we are reaching out to request your continued assistance in helping us bring this incredible project to fruition.

    The Sehaj Path App is an extraordinary initiative that aims to connect people to Guru Ji through a unique and convenient platform. This app will enable users to engage in a sehaj path, a slow reading of Guru Granth Sahib at their own pace, fostering a deeper connection with their spirituality. Moreover, the app allows individuals to pray together with friends and family from anywhere in the world, as the scripture scrolls simultaneously, uniting users in a shared spiritual experience.

    Your contribution plays a crucial role in making this app a reality and enhancing the accessibility of spiritual practices in our fast-paced world. We encourage you to spread the word among your network and consider making an additional contribution to help us bridge the gap towards our fundraising target.

    Thank you for your ongoing support, and let's work together to make this transformative app a reality for the entire sangat.

    Warm regards,

    Khalis Foundation

Name Donation Date
Baljit okomtVqFqPpeOGRs $21.00 July 2024
Baljit okomtVqFqPpeOGRs $11.00 February 2024
J. G. $10.00 January 2024
Vikram eKECTlgfqQ $25.00 November 2023
Match Fund $500.00 November 2023
Anonymous $500.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
T. G. $1,000.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Match Fund $1,350.00 November 2023
Balwinder wAfbKTWhTUbycCOhkL $1,500.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Match Fund $500.00 November 2023
P. F. $500.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Match Fund $2,500.00 November 2023
Prebhdev jxrVkBvOXDYtYZ $2,500.00 November 2023

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