Sponsor a Scholarship

A project of Sikh Human Development Foundation
shdf-logo-0414.jpg Sikh Human Development XhJbPaomm
Potomac, Maryland, US
$4,622pledged of $60,000 goal
$4,622goal: $60,000
Yes tax deductible
Ongoingannual goal

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Who we are and what we do

Sikh Human Development Foundation (SHDF) provides scholarships for higher professional education to bright students from low-income families in Punjab and other Northern Indian states. Beginning with 2001, SHDF has provided more than nine thousand scholarships to underprivileged albeit bright students, over 75% of which have been women.

What is our motivation 

Seva (service) to humanity is the basic tenet of Sikhism; and what better way to serve humanity than by assisting deserving individuals obtain higher education and an opportunity for better lives for themselves and their families.

Who benefits

SHDF’s Scholarship recipients are selected based on need and merit. They have included children of — widows, terminally sick parents, farmers who committed suicide, agricultural laborers, domestic servants, female tailors, Gurdwara sewadaars, orphans, and other economically disadvantaged families. Most of the recipients are victims of extreme poverty and live in rural areas. Students also need to have the clear academic ability. Scholarships have transformed the lives of not just the recipients, but also their families, and sometimes even whole communities.

What is the selection process

SHDF follows strict guidelines for the selection and awarding of scholarships. Students are selected via a thorough, transparent, and rigorous process and must meet clear standards to be considered eligible. The main criteria are:

1. Annual Family Income for an applicant must be below Rs. 2,50,000. This translates to approximately $3,300 per year or $9 per day by US standards.
2. Scholarship recipients must enroll in a professional degree in a higher educational institution.
3. Scholarship recipients must maintain a minimum of 60% (B grade or higher) in their field of study.

What are student demographics
71% Rural and 29% Urban areas;
77% Female and 23% Male

SHDF’s accomplishments to date

• Number of Scholarships Granted since inception: 7,300+
• Funds Disbursed for Scholarships:
Over 3 million dollars
• Number of Students who have Graduated: 4,000+

Our Current Goals

  • Provide 1,000-1,200 scholarships annually.
  • Increase the number of soft-skill development workshops for graduating students.

Why should you support SHDF

Education is the only sustainable and effective solution to dealing with poverty and the challenges facing the youth, particularly in Punjab (including a rapid rise of drug addiction) but also elsewhere in India.

1. SHDF’s creation is inspired by the very philosophy of our Gurus and scriptures. Your actions consolidate this noble endeavor.
2. By supporting SHDF, you are helping transform lives.
3. Our funding is based on voluntary donations, and potential needs for scholarships far exceed our financial resources.
4. We are the only organization outside of India that provides funding to young women and men who have the ability and aspiration to go into higher education and yet their poverty does not allow them to do so.
5. Our operating principles are based on transparency, accountability, and low administrative cost. Our accounts are audited every year and are available to donors.
6. Your contribution is critical for the struggling youth. Their future, their family’s and communities’ future is dependent on education. They must not remain excluded from the economic opportunities. With your contribution, you can help us make it happen.

How can you help

SHDF urges you to donate generously towards this immensely worthy cause.
• Please become a champion of youth and SHDF’s partner in this endeavor of transforming lives.
• Donations can be made in celebration of life events such as marriage, birthday, anniversary, start of a business, in memory of the loved ones or simply for the most noble of reasons to lend a helping hand to the less fortunate.
• SHDF welcomes Bequests through Will or Revocable Trust. Donors may assign their financial or other assets (which can also help with capital gain and tax planning).
• SHDF also participates in workplace donation matching programs.

We look forward to your Seva with immense gratitude!

  • 07/14/2024

    Update on SHDF for Q2 2024

     We have continued to engage in significant activities consistent with our mission of providing scholarships to bright but financially disadvantaged students in Punjab and neighboring states in India for higher professional education. We are deeply grateful for your support and are pleased to share this update with you.

    ·      We have now completed the current Scholarship round for 2023-2024.  In this academic year, SHDF awarded a record number of 1823 scholarships.  This is a significant increase from the 1460 scholarships awarded last year.  These recipients were selected from over 3600 applications that were initially received and screened by our partner, Nishkam, in Delhi.
    ·      As per our usual procedures, over the past several months, each application was thoroughly assessed by our team in Delhi to ensure that it met the criteria of need and academic ability, and each one of them was then reviewed rigorously by our Board members here in Washington DC. Decisions were then made regarding the awarding of the scholarship.
    ·      To date, we have provided over thirteen thousand scholarships since we began in 2001. The scholarships have helped students become engineers, IT professionals, nurses, doctors, agriculturists, chartered accountants, finance professional etc. These scholarships are bringing back dignity and hope to the recipients, their families and the community.  With the multiplier effect of these scholarships through the families of scholarship recipients and their communities, the number of lives transformed is enormous.
    ·      As in earlier years, 75 percent of the scholarship recipients are female, and 65 percent are from rural areas.
    ·      It is important to note that more than a third of the recipients had an annual family income of less than Rs. 100,000 (that is less than $100 monthly).
    ·      Formal ceremonies awarding the scholarships have already taken place. Thus, the process that started in July last year is now complete.
    ·      We will soon be embarking on the new round with advertisements inviting applications being placed in the main newspapers.   Our center coordinators and volunteers will also be visiting colleges and universities, as well as specific rural areas, to publicize this opportunity to apply for assistance.   
    ·      We have now started deliberations regarding our goal for the 2024-25 academic year.  There is increasing demand as well as increasing costs in attending college.  In addition, we are finding an increasing number of applicants from poorer families and have therefore adjusted our guidelines to accommodate this.  With $550 allocated per scholarship, and an expectation of exceeding the number of scholarships awarded this year, we anticipate that we aim to raise over $800,000 this year.
    ·      A range of other activities have been initiated in recent months:
    o   Diversification of computer/technology assisted organization documentation for members to work with;
    o   Formalization of Canada Chapter to be fully operational;
    o   Strengthening Relations with Nishkam through Virtual Meetings on Mentor-Mentee Program in India; Alumni Contacts and statistics;
    o   Initiation of a unique Essay Competition on Dasam Patshah Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s teachings for SHDF scholarship recipients
    ·      We are also pleased to inform you that SHDF has been awarded the Platinum Seal of Transparency 2023 by Guidestar/Candid, the largest and premier source of information in the world on non-profits.  According to Guidestar, the Platinum rating is “the highest level of recognition a nonprofit can achieve. It indicates a commitment in sharing financial data, impact metrics, and resource stewardship." As Guidestar notes, less than 1 percent of nonprofits nationally achieve this rating. (The seals are awarded at the Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum levels). It notes that “as the seals scale up, they require increasing amounts of information about an organization and its goals and effectiveness.”
    ·      To maintain this Platinum Seal, the SHDF has also adopted and implemented a Conflict-of-Interest Policy for all Board members and staff.  All involved have signed this policy and will be signing this on a yearly basis going forwards.
    ·      Currently we are in the process of a redesign of our website.  A local firm has been retained, meetings have been taking place and details of webpages are being worked on.  We hope that within the next several months we will have a more effective and dynamic website available to highlight our activities and invite participation from our donors and supporters.
    We are truly grateful to you for all your past help and humbly request you to continue with your generous support and help us meet our goals. Education is a gift that keeps on giving. It is your generosity that will help young women and men, with great ability but meager means, realize their dream of higher education, and transform their lives.    
    With warm regards and immense gratitude,
    The SHDF Team
    With deep gratitude,
    The SHDF Team

  • 04/14/2024

    Vaisakhi Greetings and Latest on Scholarship Round


    Dear Friend,

    Sat Sri Akal. Very warm greetings to you and your family on the auspicious Vaisakhi day. May Guru Ji’s blessings be on you throughout the year.

    We are deeply grateful for your support and are pleased to share a notable update with you.

    Latest on Scholarship Process:

    · We are now nearing the completion of the current Scholarship round. In this academic year, SHDF will be granting a record number of up to 1800 scholarships. It will be a significant increase from the 1460 scholarships awarded last year and reflects the record number of applications that were received (over 3600).

    · SHDF has now provided over twelve thousand scholarships since its inception in 2001. With the multiplier effect of these scholarships through the families of scholarships recipients and their communities, the number of lives transformed is enormous.

    · You will be also pleased to know that, as in earlier years, 75 percent of the scholarship recipients this year are female, and 65 percent are from rural areas.

    · It is important to note that more than a third of the recipients had an annual family income of less than Rs. 100,000 (that is less than $100 monthly).

    · Ceremonies formally awarding the scholarships have already taken place for more than half the recipients in six of the ten centers. Thus, the process that started in July last year — in conjunction with our implementing partner, Nishkam — with the applications being received in our ten centers, is now almost complete. Over the past several months, each application was thoroughly assessed by our central team in Delhi to ensure that it met the strict criteria of need and student ability, and each one of them was reviewed rigorously by our Board members here in Washington DC before the decision was finalized.

    · We will be soon be embarking on the new round with advertisements inviting applications being placed in the main newspapers, visits to colleges and universities by center coordinators and volunteers, as well as visits to rural areas as needed.

    We have now started deliberations regarding our goal for the 2024-25 academic year.  Given the increasing demand, we expect to exceed 1800 scholarships. With $550 needed per scholarship, we need to raise over $8oo,000 this year.

    We humbly request you to donate generously and help us meet these goals. Education is a gift that keeps on giving. It is your generosity that will help young women and men, with great ability but meager means, realize their dream of higher education, and transform their lives.   

    With warm regards and immense gratitude,

    The SHDF Team


  • 01/09/2024

    SHDF Achieves Platinum Rating on GuideStar/Candid

    Dear Friend, 
    Sat Sri Akal. Happy New Year to you and your family!
    It is a great pleasure and an honor to inform you that SHDF has been awarded the Platinum Seal of Transparency 2023 by Guidestar/Candid, the largest and premier source of information in the world on non-profits.

    Transparency and accountability have consistently been SHDF’s guiding principles, and this recognition affirms our adherence and commitment to these values. According to Guidestar/Candid, the platinum rating is “the highest level of recognition a nonprofit can achieve. It indicates a commitment in sharing financial data, impact metrics, and resource stewardship." As Guidestar notes, less than 1 percent of nonprofits nationally achieve this rating. (The seals are awarded at the Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum levels). It notes that “as the seals scale up, they require increasing amounts of information about an organization and its goals and effectiveness.” We deeply appreciate your strong support, encouragement and involvement with SHDF’s mission, which is reflected in this award.
    In terms of the core mandate of SHDF, this year are planning to award 1800 scholarships, significantly more than the 1460 scholarships awarded last year. Almost three quarters of these scholarships are again expected to be awarded to female candidates, and around two-thirds from rural areas. For the current round of new applicants, written examinations have been conducted in our ten centers primarily in Punjab, but also in Chandigarh, Delhi, and Haryana, and the interview process is underway. With these 1800 expected disbursements, SHDF will have awarded well over 12,500 scholarships since inception. SHDF Scholarships have helped young women and men from the poorest of families build professional careers in law, accounting, engineering, computer applications, medicine, agriculture and teaching.
    Alongside steadily increasing the number of scholarships, SHDF has regularly elicited feedback from students, alumni, and local volunteers and staff to keep enhancing support services through soft-skills workshops and mentoring.
    We have a number of important complementary goals and initiatives underway including enhancing our outreach to supporters, mentor-mentee platform (allowing scholarship recipients to interact with and take advice from mentors), and setting up of Alumni forum. In all these activities technology will be playing an increasing role.
    We will also be exploring the provision of coaching assistance and related support to SHDF Scholarship recipients who are high-performers and are motivated to take part in civil service and foreign service exams.

    Your support is of critical importance to SHDF’s mission.  Each $550 donated makes a scholarship for a year possible. Please help us in reaching our goals, which will help transform countless lives for generations to come.
    With deep gratitude,
    The SHDF Team

  • 10/10/2023





    Dear friends,


    Helping the needy is most effective and sustainable when the recipients are empowered to become self-reliant. This principle drives Sikh Human Development Foundation’s (SHDF) 23-year-old mission to provide college-level scholarships to academically-promising students who are hampered by severe economic hardship in Punjab and neighboring states in India. Please join us for SHDF’s Annual Fundraiser (online) on November 4, 2023 to enable such deserving students to acquire the education and skills essential for employment in professional settings and break out of the vicious cycle of poverty. We will post the invitation with the zoom link shortly.


    In response to the economic devastation wreaked by the heavy rains and flooding this summer in northern India, the deadline for submitting scholarship applications for the 2023-2024 academic year was extended from July 31 to August 31, 2023. The increased need combined with the perseverance of the hardworking SHDF staff and volunteers in India in partnership with Nishkam Sikh Welfare council, is reflected in over 3600 applications that have been received --- the highest number ever. Eligible applicants are being invited to take a written exam and interview in the second half of October.


    Our goal is to provide around 1800 scholarships in 2023-24. The generosity of individual donors like yourselves who are infused with the spirit of seva is essential to meet this goal, and to transform struggling communities into thriving ones.


    You will also be pleased to learn of an exciting new initiative to be launched this quarter. This is an online mentor-mentee program that will give our awardees individual and group access to highly experienced mentors for guidance in resume writing, interview skills, career pathways, professional growth and other areas identified by the mentees.


    Starting with 22 scholarships in 2000-01, we have provided 11,025 scholarships to date in a wide array of disciplines. 75% of the recipients have been women, and 65% from rural backgrounds, groups that have suffered tremendously from lack of opportunities. Our awardees have succeeded in finding employment as engineers, physicians, nurses, lawyers, chartered accountants, computer programmers, professors and many other professions. We are acutely aware though, that the magnitude of need is enormous. Distressingly, even in the recent past, fully one-third of awardees have been from families whose annual income is less than Rs. 100,000 (less than $100 monthly). They are among the poorest of the poor. Your support is of critical importance.


    Please help us spread the word about SHDF’s transformative work by sharing this information with your friends and family and encouraging them to join the fundraiser.


    We urge you to donate generously at www.shdf.org.


    With deep gratitude,

    The SHDF Team




  • 07/09/2023

    Latest from SHDF


    Dear friends,

    We are delighted to share with you the news that for the 2022-23 academic year, 1460 scholarships were awarded, a notable increase from the 1256 awarded in 2021-22. Three quarters of the recipients were women, and two thirds from rural areas. The number of scholarships awarded is in keeping with SHDF’s consistent track record of an upward trajectory yearly. SHDF’s tally of total scholarships since inception in 2000 has grown to 11,025.

    Our goal for the academic year 2023-24 is to provide in excess of 1500 scholarships. The application process is in full swing. Advertisements in English and Punjabi have been placed in prominent newspapers like the Punjab Tribune, Ajit and Ajit Samachar. The application forms can be accessed on www.shdf.org and www.nishkam.org. As you may know we now have ten centers helping implement this extraordinary program and volunteers at these centers are also actively informing potential recipients in Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh and Delhi. The application deadline is July 31, 2023. A detailed, thorough assessment is made of each application to ensure that the applicant complies with the twin criteria of financial need, and strong achievement in academic studies. There is also a written test, followed by an interview before an award is made. The awardees will be informed in early 2024.

    We are also very happy to share the tremendous progress made by the SHDF Canada team towards establishing the foundation in Canada after having been registered as a tax-exempt non-profit organization. Their website will soon be operational and their brochures will soon be ready for distribution.

    At the cost of $550 for one scholarship, we need to raise $825,000 to fund 1500 scholarships. Your contribution is of utmost importance. We have so far this year raised around $200,000 this year. Please visit www.shdf.org to obtain more information and donate generously to keep the dreams of highly deserving students alive.                                                                                                              

    With immense gratitude and  warm regards,

    The SHDF Team                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

  • 03/17/2023

    Your support is crucial to our mission.

    We are happy to share information about two new milestones in SHDF’s goal of expanding the accessibility of our scholarships to bright but deserving students in Punjab and neighboring states, to attain higher education.

    First, a tenth center for SHDF scholarships is now operational and serving students. It is located in Karnal, Haryana. In addition to this location, we have seven centers in Punjab: Amritsar, Ludhiana, Faridkot, Bathinda, Moga, Jalandhar, and Patiala, as well as one in Chandigarh, and one in New Delhi. SHDF has steadily expanded the number of centers that are manned by local volunteers who have firsthand knowledge of the challenges facing the students in their communities and are highly motivated. Each center that is opened widens the geographical reach in awareness among students, many in remote, underserved villages. More centers where applications can be submitted and written exams and interviews of applicants are conducted, reducing the burden of travel costs for students, large numbers of whom have a family income below $100 a month. Centers also provide guidance for successful applicants and are a valuable source of continuing support.

    Second, SHDF is providing a new record of scholarships this year -- to nearly 1450 students. This is a notable increase from the 1256 scholarships given last year. With your generous support, SHDF has granted over 10,000 scholarships since its inception in 2001.

    We are greatly heartened by this achievement. However, we see that the needs remain enormous. A large number of the youth in Punjab continue to have the desire to obtain college education; they have the ability to do so; but unfortunately, many do not have the financial means, given their family’s economic condition. Due to their lack of educational and professional qualifications, they remain mired in low-paying jobs, often under exploitative conditions, resulting in frustration and despair.

    Your support is crucial to our mission of helping create local self-sustaining and thriving communities through the transformative effects of education. Please visit us at shdf.org and join hands with us by volunteering and donating.

    With immense gratitude,

    The SHDF team

  • 12/13/2022

    SHDF Accomplishments in 2022 & Goals for 2023

    In 2022, SHDF provided a total of 1,256 scholarships, vis-a-vis 977 scholarships granted in 2021.  The recipient demographics comprise 70% students from rural areas and 30% from urban areas; and 75% females and 25% males. Since its inception in 2001, SHDF has granted over 9,000 scholarships. Success stories of the gainfully employed are to be found in a wide variety of disciplines – engineering, agriculture, computer programming, law, teaching, nursing, medicine and accounting. They are a testament to the transformational effects of the scholarships, and strengthen our resolve to do more. SHDF has been steadily expanding its services, and currently has nine centers – eight in Punjab, one in Delhi, and one that will be operational by year-end in Karnal, Haryana. We are working in conjunction with our partner Nishkam to reach out to as many deserving students as possible.  Two online workshops, attended by several hundred scholarship recipients were conducted this year, to impart training in leadership and soft-skills development.

    In 2023, SHDF's goal is to grant 1400 scholarships. We are working towards initiating an online alumni forum that will facilitate mentorship, networking and giving back. Our aim is to open additional SHDF chapters in major locations and we welcome volunteers to join our team. Please write to us at info@shdf.org if you wish to volunteer. 

    We thank our generous supporters for your steadfast support and urge you to continue to donate generously to transform lives through education.

    With deep gratitude,
    The SHDF Team

  • 08/04/2022

    1256 students benefited from the SHDF Scholarship

    The process of awarding scholarships for the academic year 2021-22 has been completed. With the help of your continued support, this year 1256 students benefited from the SHDF Scholarship. Majority of these students were women belonging to rural areas. As before, the scholarships were awarded to students in North India, predominantly from Punjab, but also from other areas including Delhi, Haryana, and UP. There continues to be a broad range of disciplines for which the scholarships are awarded including technology, computer science, medical including nursing, education, agriculture and bio-technology, law and business studies.

    Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic and its after-effects, your invaluable Sewa has allowed SHDF to fulfill its mandate to provide scholarships to the neediest and most vulnerable but bright students in Punjab and neighboring areas. We would like to express our deep gratitude for your ongoing strong support that has allowed us to continue to transform lives through higher education.  

    May Guru Ji's blessings be with you and your family.

    Here is the link for the eligibility criteria and application form for the SHDF Scholarship.  - https://www.nishkam.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/SHDF-application-form-for-new-cases-2022-23.pdf 

  • 03/02/2022

    SHDF Scholarships 2020-21: Snapshots

    Thank you for your support!

    During 2020-21, nine hundred and eighty-one (981) scholarships, a record, were awarded to the students who met our rigorous criteria with regard to need and educational ability. Scholarship recipients belong to families much below the poverty line but who have shown clear evidence of ability and merit in pursuing higher education. In line with recent trends, around three-quarters of the recipients were women, and two-thirds from rural areas. These scholarships have a transformational impact on the lives of the recipients, their families, and their entire communities.

    For the current year (2021-22), there have been over 2000 eligible applications—a record, and we hope to provide at least 1200 scholarships. The process of awarding scholarships is well underway and will be completed by the end of March.

    The table below provides the distribution of scholarships by discipline for 2020-2021:

    MEDICAL 210
    DIPLOMA /B.E. / B.TECH./M.TECH. 186
    NTT/B.ELED./B.ED./M.ED/M.P.ED. 72
    OTHERS 65
    LLB/LLM 18
    TOTAL 981

    Our Success Story 

    Amandeep Kaur 

    Staff Nurse at American Oncology branch of Dayanand Medical College & Hospital

    Amandeep Kaur was born in Butahari a small village in Ludhiana. Her father is a watchman, and her mother cooks food at the hospital for Doctors. An enthusiastic child, Amandeep was a brilliant student in her school days. She won many laurels not only in academics but in extra-curricular activities like model making and Gatka martial art to name a few. She got more than 80% marks in the board exams from Govt. School in 2014. She’s quite lucky in those days to get chosen among 6 students by the Dept. of School Education-Punjab under the scheme of the Society for Promotion of Quality Education for Poor & Meritorious Students where she got admitted to Bathinda in the curriculum of senior sec level and she opted Medical for study. To know more about the scheme, please read:

    Punjab Govt has opened six Meritorious schools at Amritsar, Bathinda, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Patiala & Mohali under the "Society for Promotion of Quality Education for Poor & Meritorious Student of Punjab" for students from Govt schools who have scored more than 80% marks in Matric. The schools are residential and affiliated to PSEB and are for 10+1 & L0+2 classes only with the aim of placing deserving students into professional colleges at the all-India level.

    Unfortunately in 2015, while she was in 11th class, her father suffered from a Paralytic attack and later lost his one kidney, at that time he was working as a Plumber. Her mother donated her one kidney to save her husband’s life. She too was working from home as a skilled laborer for the woolen hosiery factory. They both have lost their main occupation and compromised with menial jobs.

    Amandeep achieved rank 564 in Punjab for MBBS course, as she wants to become Doctor but due to high fees, she gave up the chance and opted for a nursing course. Overall, she cleared the entrance exam and achieved the rank 83 in Punjab. She received help from the village’s local gurdwara committee to pay her initial fee. She was looking for some scholarship help as well and one day she has seen the SHDF Scholarships advertisement given through Nishkam Delhi. She fulfills all the requirements and went on to apply for the scholarship program and got selected. She completed her B.Sc. in Nursing with an excellent score.

    At present, she is working as a Staff Nurse in the branch of American Oncology which runs in the collaboration with Dayanand Medical College & Hospital (DMCH), Ludhiana. She has played an important role in saving lives due to Covid this year and giving her best every day. She thanked both SHDF and Nishkam in giving her financial support and strongly believes that “Helping hands are better than praying lips” and is working towards giving back to the needy.

  • 11/23/2021

    SHDF Project Update

    Dear Friend,

    Sat Sri Akal! Hope you and your family are all well. 

    I would like to begin by expressing my and the SHDF Board’s deep gratitude to you for your continuing strong support. It is your invaluable Sewa that has allowed SHDF to fulfill its mandate to provide scholarships to the neediest and most vulnerable but bright students in the ongoing challenging Covid situation in Punjab and neighboring areas.

    In this Newsletter, I would like to share with you a number of developments over the past couple of months that would be of interest.

    The applications for the academic year 2021/22 closed last Friday and I am pleased to note that there has been a record number of applicants this year. There are a total of 2200 new applications, and in addition 553 renewals. Given the strong demand, reflecting in part the ongoing challenging Covid situation, we expect to be able to award over a thousand scholarships in early 2022.

    For your information, SHDF has so far granted more than 8,000 scholarships, and a large majority of recipients are gainfully employed.

    As always, the application evaluation process that is now underway will be aiming to support as many students as possible in accordance with our very rigorous criteria relating to financial need and educational attainment and depending on funds raised. In this context I would like to note that there are a number of applicants who have tragically lost both their parents; and some of them are being provided care by their relatives. In these very sad circumstances, SHDF will be providing additional financial assistance to such students. This is so on moral grounds, but also practical considerations (since relatives may be reluctant to provide financial assistance). 

    We have now held two well-attended virtual Workshops this year to help develop professional skills for the scholarship recipients.

    Following the very successful Fundraiser in early August, we are reaching out for additional required funding. In the August event, our goal had been to raise funds for 450 scholarships—a goal that was surpassed substantially with your immense generosity. Given the significant increase in demand for scholarships as noted above, it is critical for us to mobilize substantial further funds before year-end.  

    We are immensely grateful for your Sewa, and look forward to your continuing support. It is your Sewa that allows the dreams of higher education of many young women and men to be realized and helping transform their lives and those of their families.

    May Guru Ji’s blessings be with you.

    With warmest regards,
    Manmohan Singh Kumar, Ph.D. (Cantab)
    Chairman, SHDF

  • 08/22/2021

    2021-22 SHDF Scholarships Now Open

    Dear Friend,                                                 
    Sat Sri Akal!

    I hope you and your family are all well.

    We are deeply grateful for your Sewa over the years and are looking forward to your continuing strong support this time as well. Your Sewa is keeping alive the dreams of higher education of many young women and men and helping transform their lives and those of their families. 

    In spite of the exceptional Covid-19 epidemic and the ensuing challenges, SHDF continues to fulfill its mandate to provide scholarships to the neediest and most vulnerable bright students in Punjab and neighboring areas. SHDF Scholarships for 2021-22 are now open and the last date for submitting applications is coming up soon (September 30,2021). Would you please assist us in spreading the word and reaching out to more such students. 

    For Instructions/Guidelines/Eligibility criteria and to apply for the 2021-21 SHDF Scholarships, details are available at the following links:



    Your donation is invaluable in these extraordinary times. Please consider making your contribution today. We  are also counting on your spreading the word in your circle of friends.

    Manmohan Singh Kumar
    Chairman, SHDF

  • 05/22/2021

    SHDF Newsletter May, 2021

    Dear Friend,                                                 
    Sat Sri Akal.

    Hope you and your family are all well. 

    As you know the pandemic situation in India has become dire with tragic consequences. It has hit hard all parts of the country. Punjab and neighboring areas, where the bulk of the Sikh Human Development Foundation scholarship recipients come from, has not been immune. Our warmest wishes and prayers for an early stabilization of this crisis.

    In this Newsletter I wanted to share with you how SHDF has continued to fulfil its mandate to provide scholarships to the neediest and most vulnerable but bright students in the exceptionally challenging situation.

    Even before the current pandemic wave, many families of potential scholarship recipients, already amongst the poorest, had lost whatever meager sources of income they had. Our normal means of communicating with the potential recipients were seriously compromised. We wish to express our sincere thanks to the very dedicated Sewadars of Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council (our sister organization in India) and a large number of volunteers all over Punjab who made sure that no candidate who had a dream of higher education and met the eligibility criteria was left behind.

    As a result there was a significant increase in demand for SHDF scholarships, reaching record levels. (This also reflects the fact that tragically, a large number of our scholarship holders and proposed recipients have lost their loved ones to the Pandemic). In turn, we will be awarding a record number of over 1000 scholarships this year, compared to 888 last year and 688 in 2019.

    We are deeply grateful to you for your invaluable support over the years. I sincerely hope that, at this very critical juncture when our resources have become stretched, you will be able to provide strong additional support. This will enable us to fulfill the increasing urgent demands.
    Your Sewa, in the truest sense of the word, is keeping alive many young women and men’s dreams of higher education and helping transform their lives and those of their families during this most challenging of times. 

    May Guru ji’s blessings be with you.

    Your donation is invaluable at this extraordinary juncture. Please make your contribution today. We  are also counting on your spreading the word in your circle of friends.

    Manmohan Singh Kumar
    Chairman, SHDF


    Success Story of Manpreet Kaur (Masters in Comp Applications), a successful Software Developer.
    My father, a farmer by profession, works for someone. We don't have our own land. I was desperately looking for financial help for my studies. My college teacher guided me on SHDF scholarships. I applied and fulfilled all requirements. I was so lucky I got the scholarship. I will never forget this help in my life. My name would have been struck off from college rolls if I did not get this scholarship. Currently, I am a Software Developer in Web 1 Experts at Mohali. 

  • 09/27/2020

    A Letter to Our Donors from the New SHDF Chairman

    Dr. Manmohan Singh Kumar will now head the Board of Directors for SHDF as the new Chairman. He has served on the Board since 2014, most recently serving as the Director of the new initiatives and was a strong supporter of SHDF for many years prior to that. He has been instrumental in helping push the foundation forward during his tenure and brings a strong passion for working with the community.

    Pinning hope in this letter, Dr. Kumar appealed to the donors to open their heart and wallet in these most challenging and times of testing.

    Here is the full text of his letter.

    “Dear esteemed SHDF donor and well-wisher, Sat Sri Akal,

    Hope you and your loved ones are well and in good spirits in these challenging times. 

    I would like to first express my deep gratitude for the immense support you have provided to SHDF in the past. Your generous donations have made an invaluable contribution in providing scholarships to the neediest and most vulnerable but bright students in Punjab and neighboring areas. During the past twenty years, SHDF has awarded over seven thousand three hundred scholarships, allowing these students — around seventy percent of women — to pursue university studies. The students have gone on to obtain a wide range of well-paying professional jobs. Your donations have transformed the lives of not only the scholarship recipients themselves but their families and often even their whole communities.

    As you know, the pandemic has hit India extremely hard. Many families, already amongst the poorest and most vulnerable, have lost whatever meager sources of income they had. The dreams of the students and often their entire families are being crushed due to this health and economic crisis. In this situation, the demand for SHDF scholarships is high and rising. The students need your help more than ever.

    Of course, the crisis has affected many of us here in the US also, with our jobs, businesses, and incomes being impacted. Many of us have been facing hardships too. The pandemic has in addition prevented us from holding our traditional fundraising events. These factors in turn have meant that, despite our ongoing virtual fundraising efforts, our funding has suffered. We are thus facing a severe shortage of funds, at the very time when the demand for scholarships is the most pronounced.

    For 2020, we have committed to providing 888 scholarships compared to 688 in 2019, which requires a marked increase in funds. We look to your continuing spirit of Seva to contribute generously for the scholarships — your donation will be invaluable at this extraordinary juncture. We will also be organizing a virtual get together soon and which I hope very much you will be able to participate in (we will share with you the details of the webinar shortly).

    Now, more than ever, our students need you. Your help in this crisis will be immensely beneficial and will continue the process of transforming lives that you have been so kindly part of over many years.

    Look forward to speaking with you soon. Please take care.”

    With warmest regards,
    Manmohan Singh Kumar, Ph.D. (Cantab)
    Chairman, SHDF

  • 08/30/2020

    SHDF invites 2020-21 Scholarship Applications

    The following advertisement was widely published on Aug 30, 2020 in the leading newspapers in the region, including but not limited to Ajit Newspaper (Punjabi and Hindi editions) and Tribune Newspaper (Punjabi, Hindi, and English editions). Regional centers also notified prospective students via WhatsApp and social media postings.

    SHDF Scholarships – 2020 For Students pursuing Professional Courses

    Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council (Regd.), New Delhi in association with Sikh Human Development Foundation, U.S.A. (SHDF) invites Applications for Scholarships from regular students studying in recognized Colleges and Universities for Professional Degree/Diploma Courses. Students who have appeared in Class X & XII Examination in March 2020 and want to pursue Diploma/Degree Courses during 2020-21 can also apply for this scholarship. Duly filled-in Application Form along-with attachment must reach at Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council (Regd.), Nishkam Bhawan, B-Block, Tilak Vihar, New Delhi – 110018 by post or scanned copy through email latest by 30/09/2020*.

    For detailed instructions, eligibility criteria, Application Form and its attachment, please visit our web site www.nishkam.org

    Eligible students will be required to maintain a workable email-ID. They are also required to appear in a written test in Punjabi and General Knowledge (Details to be notified on website). Students who qualify for the written test will be required to appear in the Interview.

    For any other query, please contact at 011- 28333842/28334477 or send e-mail to scholarships@nishkam.org

    * The date to submit new and renewal applications has been extended to Oct 31, 2020

  • 08/22/2020

    Soft Skills Development Workshop held virtually

    Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council along with Sikh Human Development Foundation, USA (SHDF) organized a webinar for scholarship recipients on August 22, 2020. The theme of the webinar was soft skills and interview techniques.

    Speakers imparted their wisdom on personality development, interview skills and career development and spirituality & success. Amidst the global threat of COVD-19 institutions are adapting to virtual events rather than the traditional in-person events to connect and carry forward the learning process. This was the first time for many institutions to employ zoom meeting as the virtual communication platform. SHDF and Nishkam are delighted to address the challenge where more than 200 university level students benefited through the webinar.

    S. Narinder Singh, Nishkam President welcomed the participants and S. GS Bindra, Convener of Scholarship Program anchored throughout the session. Dr. HS Sethi, Treasurer- SHDF from Washington, USA also welcomed the audience and thanked for their participation in the virtual workshop.

  • 08/15/2020

    New Ambassador Program Launched!!

    Sikh Human Development Foundation is proud to announce the launch of a new Ambassador Program across the nation aimed at expanding the outreach, driving further awareness, and engaging motivated individuals who are passionate about the mission of the SHDF. As a part of the role, they will spread the foundation’s message to more people across the city, whilst remaining true to their mission of transforming lives of the bright but financially disadvantaged students in Punjab and nearby states.

    This is just the start of the new program. With ambitious goals and widespread support, more ambassadors are set to be joining next year and thereafter. The goal of SHDF is to have many inspiring and committed Ambassadors spanning across the globe.

    “We are all extremely excited to be involved with the noble work and are looking forward to supporting the mission of the SHDF”, Bhavdeep Singh echoed thoughts of many participants present on the launch day. Inspiring ambassadors joined the conference call for a program overview from geographically diverse places for example Richmond (VA), Washington D.C., Cleveland (OH), Chicago (IL), and Boston (MA).

  • 03/20/2020

    SHDF awards 888 Scholarships in 2020!!

    Your generosity makes it all possible! Thank you for supporting the SHDF scholarship program and transforming lives through higher education. This year we were able to award 888 scholarships compared to 688 in 2019; a 29% increase from the last year! Scholarship checks were distributed in ceremonies organized by our partner organization, Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council, in cities of Amritsar, Faridkot, Chandigarh, Ludhiana and New Delhi. Majority of the scholarship recipients were female students (77%) and that too, mostly from rural areas. These children are studying in disciplines like medicine, engineering, agriculture, nursing, information technology, business administration, law, and several other subjects.

    In the last 20 years, more than 7,300 students have been helped and many have graduated with professional degrees and found jobs of their choice. You can also sponsor a student in Punjab who needs financial help! Sponsor a student today by donating $550 for one year.

  • 10/17/2019

    SHDF Scholarship written test and interviews held

    Over 1200 students appeared for the SHDF Scholarship written test and interviews held in Faridkot, Bathinda, Moga, Chandigarh, Amritsar, Ludhiana, and New Delhi on September 8.

    Please support the program by making a one-time payment or start a recurring donation to support the 2019-20 scholarship program.

  • 04/28/2019

    2019-20 SHDF Scholarships Now Open

    To apply for the SHDF Scholarship follow the links below



    𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑑𝑢𝑒 𝑏𝑦 𝐽𝑢𝑙𝑦 27, 2019.

    The SHDF Scholarship Program awards need-based scholarships for higher professional education to bright but resource-poor students in Punjab and neighboring areas.

  • 04/28/2019

    Your Generosity Makes It All Possible!

    More than 650 SHDF scholarships were awarded at different events in Faridkot, Amritsar, Delhi & Ludhiana in February, 2019. Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council, on behalf of Sikh Human Development Foundation (SHDF), distributed scholarships in collaboration with universities and Volunteer Centers. 

  • 09/02/2018

    Project Update

    It was another successful year for the SHDF scholarship program. This year, with your generous support, we were able to award 656 scholarships, compared to 550 in 2017; a 20% increase from last year! Scholarship checks were distributed in ceremonies organized by our partner organization, Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council, in cities of Amritsar, Faridkot, Chandigarh, Ludhiana and New Delhi. Majority of the scholarship recipients were female students (80%) and, that too, mostly from rural areas. These children are studying in disciplines like medicine, engineering, agriculture, nursing, information technology, business administration, law and several other subjects.

    To help our scholarship recipients secure good jobs, a two-day soft skills and personality development workshop was organized at Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo, Punjab on April 27, and 28.

    Thank you for supporting the SHDF Scholarship Program and transforming lives through higher education. Your generosity makes it all possible!