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Where Are You Really From? A National Sikh School Climate Report

A project of Sikh Coalition
Harleen_Singh.png Harleen OniorlyRqJdfKr
New York, New York, US
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Where Are You Really From?

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In pursuit of fostering safe and inclusive schools for all, Where Are You Really From? sheds light on the bullying faced by students who are visibly Sikh or identify with Sikhi—and what policy-makers, educators, and parents can do to help.

In February and March of 2023, more than 2,000 U.S.-based Sikh students between the ages of 9 and 18 completed a survey that asked about their experiences with bullying and inclusion in school. After analyzing this survey data, the Sikh Coalition and our academic colleagues have emerged with a comprehensive and current sense of school climate for Sikh youth across the country.

We have always known that our youth experience alarming rates of bullying; now, we have the data to show the depth of the problem—and to inform a wide range of solutions that we can strive to achieve together.

The Sikh Student Survey data provides a number of serious conclusions about the scope of bullying faced by our youth, how they think about and report bullying incidents, and more. Click here to learn more about each of our high-level takeaways.

  • 78% of Sikh students reported experiencing at least one incident that meets the definition of bullying, yet only 49% self-reported being bullied.
  • 63% of Sikh students said that bullying comments were "sometimes" made in the presence of teachers and school staff, but that those adults "almost never" or "never" intervened.
  • 11% of Sikh students reported being bullied by teachers or school staff.
  • 74% of Sikh students said they knew how to report bullying at school, but 46% said they "never" or "almost never" reported a bullying incident.
  • 50% of Sikh students reported that educational materials, holiday policies, and school or sports uniform policies, are not at all inclusive of Sikhi.
  • 82% of Sikh students reported experiencing at least one microaggression, but the majority did not identify this behavior as bullying.

WAYRF includes 50+ recommendations for elected officials, education agencies, and teachers. For this report to make Sikh students safer in schools, we need your help. Partner with us to mobilize your community, share resources, and participate in or host advocacy days to raise awareness and drive change. Your support is crucial to create a safer environment for all students. Learn more and get involved at thesikh.co/WAYRF. Together, we can make a difference.

  • 05/13/2024

    Sharing “Where Are You Really From?”

    May 13, 2024 (Nationwide) — Since the launch of “Where Are You Really From?” A National Sikh School Climate Report last month, the Sikh Coalition has been hard at work to share the findings of our landmark bullying study with sangats and others across the country.

    Over the past several weekends, the Sikh Coalition has tabled at gurdwaras in Fremont, San Jose, and West Sacramento, California; Denver, Colorado; Indianapolis, Indiana; Palatine, Illinois; Silver Spring, Maryland; Rochester Hills, Michigan; Durham, North Carolina; Lawrenceville, New Jersey; Richmond Hill, New York; Richfield, Ohio; Austin and Houston, Texas; and Kent, Washington. At these engagements, we have enjoyed the opportunity to share Where Are You Really From? (WAYRF) with parents and children, as well as explain our policy recommendations, speak about our broader education work, and field questions about bullying.

    If you are interested in inviting a Sikh Coalition staffer to your gurdwara to speak about our bullying research, advocacy, and legal work—or if you yourself would like to table and hand out resources—please email [email protected] for more information. In the weeks ahead, we also look forward to sharing more about how parents and sangat members can get involved in sharing WAYRF and its conclusions with educators and policymakers. From talking to your child’s teacher to speaking before your local school board, sign up here to learn how you can engage in these important efforts!

    In addition to our efforts to connect with sangat, we continue to use WAYRF as an opportunity to meaningfully engage policymakers and allies. The Sikh Coalition’s advocacy team has already shared the report’s recommendations with more than 60 U.S. congressional offices. Our education team has also ensured that the findings are available to a wide variety of audiences across the nation, from being included on New York City’s “Respect for All’ anti-bullying resource website to a presentation by Senior Education Manager Upneet Kaur to the Honesty for Ohio Education Coalition, which includes Buckeye state organizations, state board members, and educators.  

    Finally, last week, Sikh Coalition Legal Director Giselle Klapper, Senior Staff Attorney Sahel Kaur, and Federal Policy Manager Mannirmal Kaur traveled to Washington, DC, to brief attorneys and other civil servants from the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division on WAYRF’s policy recommendations and our experiences from more than 20 years of taking severe bullying cases. We look forward to continued engagement with federal agencies about how they can do more to prevent and address bias-based bullying.

    As always, the Sikh Coalition urges you to practice your faith fearlessly.

  • 04/18/2024

    Sikh Coalition Launches School Climate Report

    April 18, 2024 (New York, NY) — Today, the Sikh Coalition is proud to launch our newest report: “Where Are You Really From?” A National Sikh School Climate Report. This report serves as a comprehensive study of bullying and other issues faced by Sikh students, building upon our 2014 report Go Home, Terrorist. 

    From February through March of 2023, more than 2,000 U.S.-based Sikh students ages 9 to 18 completed the Sikh Student Survey. The survey asked questions about bullying, their interactions with both peers and staff, their knowledge of bullying reporting procedures, the microaggressions they face, and whether classroom policies and conversations allow them to not just practice their faith freely, but share and celebrate it. After analyzing this survey data, the Sikh Coalition—along with our California-based academic colleagues, research partner Dr. Kavita Kaur Atwal and research consultant Dr. Erin Knight—have emerged with a comprehensive and current sense of school climate for Sikh youth across the country. 

    An in-depth analysis of the data is available in the digital copy of Where Are You Really From? (WAYRF) and online at thesikh.co/WAYRF. Key findings include: 

    Sikh students continue to be bullied at alarmingly high rates, yet don’t always describe what they experience as bullying. 78% of students reported experiencing behavior that qualifies as bullying, but only 49% said they were bullied.
    Sikh male students with religious head coverings are highly likely to be bullied. 77% of Sikh male students with dastaars or patkas reported being bullied at least once, and the data further showed that male Sikh students are generally facing higher rates of discrimination and more violent forms of bullying in schools.
    Sikh students are bullied by school staff. A shocking 11% of Sikh students reported being bullied by or facing discrimination from the very adults charged with educating and protecting them.
    Sikh students somewhat understand how to report bullying, but often face inaction when they do. 74% of Sikh students said they know how to report bullying at their school, but 46% report “never” or “almost never” doing so—perhaps because 63% said that teachers or staff “almost never” or “never” intervened when bullying happened in front of them. 
    Sikh students are less safe in less inclusive schools. When asked about inclusion of Sikhi in educational materials and school policies, more than 50% of Sikh students reported that their school is “not at all” inclusive of their religion. Data also indicate that less inclusivity significantly predicts more bullying incidents.
    Sikh students who are bullied face poorer mental health outcomes. Data shows that bullying incidents (actual and perceived) are significantly related to higher scores on tests that measure a depressed mood. 
    Sikh students face high rates of microaggressions, but may not recognize them as bullying. 82% of Sikh students reported experiencing at least one microaggression, but the majority who did so did not self-report being bullied; conversely, 73% of students who said they were never bullied reported at least one microaggression. Even if Sikh students don’t consider microaggressions to be bullying, however, those who faced higher levels of microaggressions also reported worse mental health outcomes.
    “Our findings in Where Are You Really From? validate years of our work alongside Sikh students, parents, and community members across the nation,” said Dr. Rucha Kaur, Sikh Coalition’s Community Development Director and principal author of WAYRF. “We know that our youth experience bullying; now, we have the data to show the depth of the problem—and to back up a wide range of solutions to make our schools safer and more inclusive for all students. With this report as our latest tool, we will continue to fight for Sikh students to feel safe and seen in their educational environments.”

    Based on our study, the Sikh Coalition has developed new recommendations for federal and state officials, state and local education officials, and school administrators and educators that are outlined in WAYRF. Additionally, the report includes an updated step-by-step guide for parents who are concerned that their child is facing bullying, as well as a glossary of terms related to Sikhi for non-community member audiences.

    To read the report in its entirety and view our other education resources, visit thesikh.co/WAYRF. Additionally, you can learn more about the report by joining our Sikh Coalition Live via Instagram with Dr. Kaur and Dr. Atwal on Thursday, April 25, at 3:30 PM ET. In the weeks ahead, we look forward to sharing more about how parents and sangat members can get involved in sharing WAYRF and its conclusions with educators and policymakers.

    As always, the Sikh Coalition urges you to practice your faith fearlessly.

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Arun ceHuVBUKtPHIqhSPYO $101.00 May 2024